SRIT memiliki beberapa Sister school, Salah satunya adalah Ashikaga-Minami High School.
Ashikaga-Minami High School adalah sekolah yang terletak di prefektur Tochigi, Jepang. Selama beberapa tahun, SRIT telah menjalin kerjasama dengan Ashikaga-Minami high school untuk pertukaran budaya. setiap 1 tahun sekali SRIT mengunjungi Ashikaga-Minami high School, Sedangkan tahun selanjutnya Ashikaga-Minami high school yang mengunjungi SRIT dan seterusnya
Ashikaga Minami high School is a school that is located in Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. For many years, SRIT have cooperated with Ashikaga Minami High School for Cultural Exchange. Every year SRIT visit Ashikaga Minami high school, the year after Ashikaga Minami high school visit SRIT, and so on. This year is our turn to visit Ashikaga Minami high school.
We went there buy bus, after we arrived there we went to a room an we introduce ourself to Ashikaga Minami high school Student Council. After that we went to the hall and saw the introduction video of our school and the introduction video of Ashikaga Minami High School. After that, we listened to the headmaster of Ashikaga Minami High School and Ashikaga Minami high school Student council president speech and also our Headmaster and our Student council president speech. After that we exchanged souvernir.
After that, We went to the Sport hall to watch Judo and Kendo perfomance, We also divided to seven groups to try Japanese activities or games such as, Karuta, Origami, wearing Yukata, Hanetsuki, fukuwarai, etc.
After we finished our lunch we went to the hall again to watch performance from SRIT ( Silat and Merak Dance) and perfomance from Ashikaga Minami High School ( Wind Orchestra, Japanese tradisional dance, and band)
Liat panggung nya SMA Ashikaga Minami jadi inget, ternyata pernah manggung disana… tapi lupa tahun berapa……